One of the most frustrating things about diets is: most of them work. We talk to Josh Hillis about the principles underlying most diets, and what makes them effective.
So you’ve decided to start a parallettes training program but don’t know where to begin? Discover our full routine that includes everything you need in a parallettes workout routine.
AMRAP workouts are a popular method for optimizing training sessions, but can be risky without proper form and technique. Learn to work smarter, not harder by doing As Many Reps As Pretty instead.
We know BJJ can be addictive and an injury could be the one thing to keep you off the mats. We’ll walk you through the common concerns for BJJ practitioners and provide a mobility routine to help you prevent the 5 most common BJJ injuries.
Advanced skills, like handstands and L-Sits on the parallettes, require high levels of straight arm strength. Learn new techniques to improve your straight arm pressing strength on the parallettes.
If you’re practicing jumps as a “cardio” exercise, you’re missing out on the power and precision you can gain from training them as a skill. Learn how to improve your jumps and about the immense benefits to be gained.