Do you ever have trouble reaching behind your car seat because of limited shoulder mobility? Do your tight hips get in the way of being able to get into a deep squat or try new physical activities?
Flexibility is something that impacts every part of our lives.
Without it, you face many restrictions in your day-to-day life, as well as in your training. But when you improve your mobility, you gain freedom of movement, which opens up so many more activities to you.
In this guide, we’ve put together our best flexibility articles and tutorials, to help you move with ease so you’re free to live the life you want.
Stretching Theory
Stretching is one of those things that seems like it should be pretty simple–just get into a position and hold.
But in reality, there’s quite a bit of controversy and confusion surrounding stretching and flexibility.
We’ve written a variety of articles on different aspects of mobility and flexibility. You’ve probably seen a lot of conflicting information out there, so the following articles will be helpful in navigating this sometimes confusing aspect of training.
Everything You Need to Know About Stretching
If you’ve heard lots of different opinions on stretching, you’ve probably come across quite a bit of misinformation too. This article addresses some common myths about stretching, and we address the most frequent questions we’ve received about flexibility work.
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Get Flexible Fast
This is our most popular article to date, and for good reason. People who struggle with flexibility want to get past their restrictions as quickly as possible. In this article, we’ve broken the process down into four steps that will help you get relatively quick results without hurting yourself.
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Review of Popular Stretching Methods
Because there are so many stretching approaches on the market now, we put together this comprehensive review of the most popular methods. If you’re wondering about how PNF compares to ballistic stretching, or anything in between, this is a useful read. Plus it will help you figure out which method best matches your goals.
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Stretching Tips for the Super Stiff
What about when someone’s super stiff? If that’s you, typical stretching routines may feel intimidating or out-of-reach. This article goes through six tips that will help even the stiffest people get a lot of benefit from a smart stretching routine.
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How We Teach Flexibility to Naturally Inflexible People
Following a similar theme as the previous article, this article comes from Kirsty Grosart, who shares how she teaches flexibility work to naturally inflexible people. Seeing things from a coach’s perspective can be very helpful in learning how to approach your training.
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